Friday, September 28, 2007

Results of Soccer Game on 9/28

On a warm, sunny Friday afternoon, the GCA Lions played against the Easley Homeschool Guardians on their home field on Red Owens Park. The game went scoreless for most of the 1st half and then Jordan scored with a brilliant shot from the corner of the 18 yard box right over the head of the goalkeeper. In the second half, Seth scored on a breakaway after a great punt by Chad. A 3rd goal was scored by Jamison with an assist from Brandon after a furious onslaught of offensive power. Brandon scored a 4th goal with a drive down the outside on the right. Mark scored the next two goals. The first was on a header with an assist from Brandon on a free kick from the right side line. The last goal was scored after a long continuation of a corner kick. Final score: Lions 6 - Guardians 0.

After the game some of the team members and their families ate together at Zaxby's to celebrate Brandon's 16th birthday. Happy Birthday, Brandon!

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